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Nitrogen (N) total ………………………………………………4, 5 %

Nitrogen (N) organic …………………………………………..4, 5 %

Potassium (K2O) soluble in water …………………………6 %

Carbon (C) organic of biological origin…………………...17 %

C/N: 3,8 - Fe: 500 ppm

HEMOZYM N-K 4,5-6 is liquid organic mineral fertilizer, which is obtained as a result of processing beef manure with potassium phosphate, giving rise to a formula with high biological activity and action.

Blood proteins undergo weak hydrolysis, which gives rise to peptides with low molecular weight (< a 2000 Daltons) and aminoacids which, observing their natural Laevogyra configuration, are readily assimilated by the plant through its root apparatus.

The totally organic nitrogen of HEMOZYM N-K 4,5-6 is, in its greater part, ready to be used for crops’ needs, mostly in vegetative restoration, with high cost-effectiveness greater than 90%, in contrast to what happens with mineral fertilizers where nitrogen gets lost to a great degree because of air’s volatility and soil’s ashiness (lye).

HEMOZYM N-K 4,5-6 is a nutrition source of exclusive importance for the development of fungi and favourable bacteria available in the rhizosphere: they assist root protection from negative organisms and favour the better assimilation of hardly assimilable macroelements, such as phosphorus and potassium. Potassium (as well as phosphorus), which exist in a complex form with the organic fraction, participate jointly in satisfying plants’ needs at times when they need it most (development of fruit, colour, taste, ripening), not suffering retrogradations in soil, and preserving their bioavailability and bioreadiness with time.

HEMOZYM N-K 4,5-6 also performs another important function: due to the available organic haemoglobin iron with high biological activity, it features the ability to activate the process of iron assimilation in the plant, resolving directly or indirectly iron chlorosis phenomena.

Advantages and uses from the application of HEMOZYM N-K 4,5-6:

Introduction of organic nitrogen (4,5%), which becomes immediately available and features very low dispersion.

Smaller amount of nitrates in soil and crops, particularly in leaf vegetables.

Stimulates the development of favourable microorganisms available in the rhizosphere, assisting plants’ better growth and the better assimilation of nutritious substances available in soil.

Organic iron acts directly and indirectly against plant chlorosis.

Potassium (6%) (and phosphorus) in an organic substance complex is not blocked in soil.

Doses and manner of application

HEMOZYM N-K 4,5-6 is used via the root, both in the open field, as well as localized, using common equipment. It is applied on all crops before their sowing or transplantation, or on fruit trees, starting from their vegetative restoration, localized on the row.




(peach, plum, cherry, apricot) 60-80 before blossoming

60-80 at tearing apart

50 after thinning out

50 30 days before collection


(apple, pear, quince) 60-80 before blossoming

60-80 fruit setting

60-80 fruit enlargement

KIWI 100-150 at budding (in mixture with iron chelates)

    1. after one month

    2. (with the 2nd application of iron chelates)

GRAPES (table or for wine) 100-150 at vegetative restoration

100-150 after fruit setting

CITRUS 50 end of January

100-150 end of blossoming

100 fruit enlargement

OLIVE 150 before blossoming

    1. after fruit setting


50-70 before blossoming

50-70 fruit setting

50-70 after each collection

WATER MELON - MELON 60-80 after transplantation

80-100 at fruit setting


TOMATO, industrial 50-60 after transplantation

50-60 before blossoming and fruit enlargement

TOMATO, table, pepper, cucumber 80-100 after sowing

80-100 before blossoming

80-100 after 2nd collection

POTATO 150-200 at sowing

150-200 before blossoming

VEGETABLES WITH FRUIT (total) 150-250 per crop cycle

VEGETABLES, LEAF (total) 200-300 depending on the length of the crop cycle


WHEAT 100-150 end of winter (offset formation)

MAIZE, SORGHUM, SOY, BEET 100-150 at sowing

RICE 100-150 at rising

MEDICAL GRASS (HERBS) 80-100 after 1st mowing

GRASS AREAS AND MEADOWS 40-50 after each mowing

SOFIA BULPRO2004 OOD       tel.359 2 9439130     0885 54 00 89      krasko56@abv.bg

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